- Baker-Pastry Chef
Croissant dough
- 6 completion stages
Corman products used for this recipe

To make the dough
- Use all the ingredients to make a dough.
- Add the liquid to the yeast and stir until well mixed.
- Only add the salt once all the ingredients are combined.
- Mix the ingredients on a low-speed setting for about 5 minutes.
- Add the Corman Roasted Butter or Dairy Butter and knead the dough on the second lowest speed until you have a smooth dough.
- Make sure that the dough is not too soft.
- Knead for 7 to 8 minutes.
- After kneading, the dough temperature should be 24°C.
- Otherwise, continue kneading until it reaches that temperature.
- After kneading, cover the dough with plastic film and rest for 10 minutes.
1,770 kg
strong flour 36 g
salt 850 g
water/milk 100 g
sugar 40 g
invert sugar 90 g
(+ 90 g milk powder if using water) 140 g
Roasted butter 98% fat 26 g
Rolling and resting the dough
- Roll out the dough into a 40 cm x 60 cm rectangle and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes in the freezer at -18°C.
- Always cover with plastic film.
Tempering and rolling the butter
- Take the butter sheet out of the refrigerator depending on the type of butter, between 15 minutes for the dairy range and 30 minutes for the extra range, before pre-laminating to a 8 mm thickness. The ideal working temperature is 17°C to 19°C.
- Once rolled out, after pre-laminating to 8 mm, the butter is sufficiently elastic to be incorporated into the dough straight away.
Lamination method
- Begin the dough lamination by laying the tempered butter over one half of the dough. Fold the dough over the butter, covering it entirely.
- Make an incision on both sides of the dough seam. This will reduce the tension on the dough and help the butter distribute evenly during the turns.
- Roll out the dough in various stages. Ensure that the dough retains a nice rectangular shape. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 8 mm.
- Fold the dough in 4 (first turn). Once folded, turn the dough sideways. Roll it out in stages, then fold in 4, and mark it with 2 small indents (second turn).
Cover the dough with plastic film and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
- Proof the croissants for 95 to 100 minutes in a proofing oven between 26 and 31°C depending on the type of butter used for the lamination.
- Check your technical sheet to get the right temperature to proof.
- The time allowed for proofing depends on the percentage of yeast and on the temperature in the proofing oven.
- Bake for 15 to 17 minutes in a fan-assisted oven or 18 to 20 minutes in a deck oven.
- Set the oven temperature to achieve these cooking times.