- Baker-Pastry Chef
Cream-filled puff pastry cones
- An original recipe from Ludovic Chesnay et Rony Parijs
- Recipe calculated for 70 pieces
- 6 completion stages
Corman products used for this recipe

Corman patisy puff pastry
- Using the dough hook, combine the flour, Patisy (1) cut into pieces and salt while drizzling in the vinegar and water.
- Form into a ball and let rest in the refrigerator.
- Roll out the dough and insert the sheet of Patisy (2).
- Seal and give it its turns.
2000 g
plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein) 20 g
salt 600 g
Patisy (1) 760 g
water 20 g
Vinager 1000 g
Patisy (2)
Pastry cream
- Prepare a traditional pastry cream.
2000 g
milk 400 g
sugar 100 g
cream powder 100 g
plain flour (T55, approximately 11% protein) 400 g
Egg yolks
Light sculpture cream
- Stir the pastry cream until smooth.
- Whip the Sculpture until stiff then gently fold into the pastry cream.
Milk and egg yolk wash
- Combine the ingredients.
300 g
milk 300 g
Egg yolks
Finishing touches
granulated sugar
Shaping and baking
- Perform 5 single turns, respecting the resting time between each turn. Roll out the puff pastry to a thickness of 2.5 mm and cut into 60-cm long pieces. Let rest in the refrigerator.
- Cut into 60 x 2 cm wide strips. Roll up starting from the tip of the cone.
- Brush with egg wash and coat with coarse sugar.
- Bake on Siplain mats in a 170°C convection oven for approximately 20 minutes.
- Let cool before removing from the moulds. Fill each cone with 70 g of light Sculpture cream using an 8-point star tip.