Division consommateur
Notre division consommateur est dédiée aux produits de grande consommation vendus à nos marques en Belgique et sous les marques de partenaires à travers le monde. Grâce à notre investissement constant en R&D, nous avons construit une gamme unique.
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Our range
Our co-packing philosophy
Corman’s ambition is to build a win-win partnership with a strong local brand. This co-packing brings together Corman’s technologies and product advantages with the strength of a local brand, its distribution network and marketing and sales expertise.
› Unique products, under your brand, to strengthen your position on the butter and cream categories
› Tailor-made products, only for you:
- The fat content that you want (10 to 99.9%)
- Pure milk fat or blended with vegetable oil
- Taste tailored to your consumers’ preferences

One question?
Do you need technical help or clarification?
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Fast & Cost efficient
› No industrial investment
› No development cost
Market share & Category leadership
› Your current products + your new products, with your brand, made by Corman
Keep the edge
› You benefit from our innovation pipeline
› Depth: from 10 to 99.9% fat
› Breadth: butter, cream, blends, choco spreads
› Butter with 30% less sat fat
› Full fat butter with incredible spreadability
› Lactose-free half-fat butter
› You are unique: Corman selects only one partner per country